STEP 1: Drag the mouse pointer to the top of this page to find the COURSES tab.  Locate and click the ADD button at the lower right corner.

STEP 2: Click NEW if you are creating an e-class for a particular subject for the first time.  

STEP 3A: To create a New Course, provide the requested information and click SAVE.

  • Name: Indicate the Course Title (Eg. Principles of Marketing)
  • Access Code: Make sure that indicate the "check mark".  The access code is an auto-generated eight-letter code that you will give to each class to allow them to enroll in the right section.  
  • Style: Select INSTRUCTOR if you plan to use the e-class as a supplement to your course.  Select BLENDED if you will be teaching the course on web-enhanced mode.  For more information, please see e-class policies on holding of online activities and web-enhanced courses.
  • Duration: Indicate the start date and end date of the course.
  • Language: Indicate the language that will be used in teaching the subject.
  • Time zone:  The time zone is automatically set to match Philippine Time.
  • Course/Section/Semester/Credits: Indicate the Course Code, Section, Semester and Number of Units that will be credited in taking the course.