Any teacher can design an e-class that best suits the subject matter and the status.  It is best that you consider features that will allow students to easily access the e-class and have enough time and resources to accomplish all required online learning activities. Below are the descriptions of the configuration options:

Overview: Allows you to edit the name and description of the e-class and change the picture.

Basics: Allows you to edit the following information with you click EDIT. Click SAVE when you are done.

  • Whether or not you want to use an auto-generated access code: We recommend that you select YES.
  • Style (Instructor is the default. Select Blended if you are teaching on web-enhanced mode or Self-Paced is your are teaching an ACE class.
  • Duration: The start and end dates of the class. Refer to the Academic calendar for the dates. (We suggest that you set the end date after the submission of final grades.)
  • Subject of the course
  • Language of the course
  • Time Zone (Auto-default to Philippine time)
  • Course Code
  • Section
  • Semester
  • Number of credit units

Landing Page: Allows you to select the first page that the students will see when they access the e-class.

Tabs: Allows you to select which e-class features you want to use
  • Welcome Page: Allows you to create a welcome page that you can configure and place text, images, documents, videos, etc as an introduction to the course.
  • News Page: The page where you post all announcements or messages on a wall Facebook style.  You can also attach files, links, videos to your post.  We recommend that you use this only for announcements as posts disappear after seven days so it is best to place all learning materials on the lessons and items for submission on the assessment page.  Posts will also be difficult to monitor for grading purposes.
  • Calendar: This page displays your course schedule, deadlines for assessments and even special dates that you want to make for the class.
  • Professor: Displays the page indicating that you are the subject professor and students can see if you are online or send you a message.
  • TAs: This is an option for having teaching assistants.  This feature should be used only for ACE courses.
  • Students: This page displays the students who are enrolled and allows you to send messages to students, view their progress, grades and online activities. You can even add notes for specific info you want to save about a student.
  • Parents: Allows you to view parents of students enrolled in your class. This is not necessary for University but is a key feature for DLSU-D High School.
  • Attendance: This page allows you to record student attendance.  This is particularly useful especially when you are grading attendance as part of class participation.  You can even download and print an attendance sheet in a single click.
  • Forums: A key feature in online learning.  This forums page can be used to encourage free-flowing discussion with and among students on topics related to the course or other topics.  However, if you want a graded discussion, do not select this option.  Instead, you have to add a discussion forum assignment in the assessments page which allows you to easily monitor and grade the discussion activities of each student.
  • Groups: You can create class groups that will have their own page, resources, chat rooms, etc.  This is best used when you have group activities that will span more than two meetings or even the length of the entire semester.
  • Wikis: Wikis are pages that are editable by all students in the e-class.  Much like how wikipedia functions, it allows people to create versions of a page that are easily viewable and accessible to everyone.  This is best when you want students to collaboratively work in the definition of a topic or developing a comprehensive page/paper about a subject.
  • Blogs: When enabled, this feature allows students to create blog entries which can be viewable only to the teacher or to all classmates or even comment on blog entries.  This feature is best for journal exercises.
  • Chat: This is a popular feature that allows students or teachers of an e-class to meet and discuss simultaneously in an e-class. This is the key tool when you want a synchronous session wherein all students are logged in and actively discussing online.
  • Proficiencies:  This is a page viewable to students that allow them to see their rating/achievement on proficiencies or learning goals you have set for the course.
  •  Portfolios: Allows students to add their submitted work on their portfolios.
  • Syllabus: This page contains all necessary course information typically contained in a course syllabus.

Curriculum: If you want your course to be associated in a curriculum set on Schoolbook which indicates the target proficiencies for students.

Schedule: You can add the day, time and location to help students monitor the course schedule especially for blended or web-enhanced courses.  Click +ADD COURSE TIME, indicate the day, time and location and click SAVE.

Catalog: This allows you to configure how your course will appear in the course catalog.

  • Publish: This allows you to set whether or not your course will appear in the course catalog.
  • Display contact option instead of allowing purchase/enrollment: This allows people to contact you instead of enrolling for a course.  The purchase option is for future online courses that could be offered to students/guests for a fee.
  • Categories: Allows you to set under what subject your course will appear.

Enrollment:  This allows you to customize how students will enroll in your e-class.
  • Allow students to enroll: You have to make sure to check this option to allow students to enroll themselves in the e-class using the access code you provided.
  • Allow students to unenroll: This option allows students to unenroll in your e-class.  You should uncheck this option and unenroll students yourself to ensure that no student will arbitrarily enroll and unenroll themselves in your e-classes.
  • Open enrollment: This option allows anyone to enroll without the need for an access code.
  • Max students: This option allows you to indicate the maximum number of students in each class.  This is particularly useful for open enrollment.
  • Notify teachers of enrollment: This option notifies you by sending a message in your inbox when a student enrolls in your e-class.
  • Notify administrators of enrollments: This option notifies the Schoolbook administrator when a student enrolls in your e-class. Please uncheck this option.
  • Max days before a student is deactivated:  You can set how long a student can access your e-class before they are deactivated in your e-class.  
  • Allow deactivated students to access course: This option allows deactivated students to view your course even if they cannot actively participate in it.
  • Allow students to access course if course is deactivated:  This option allows students to view your e-class in their previous courses.  We recommend that you allow them to return to view their learning activities.
  • Delete history on unenrollment: This option automatically removes all logged activities of a student once he or she is unenrolled.

Lessons: This allows you to customize how students view the lessons in your e-class.

  • Only show lessons up to the current lesson to students: This allows you to set up to what lessons students can view while you work on lessons in advance.  When you click CURRENT across a lesson, the lessons that appear after it will not appear in your students' e-class.
  • Announce lesson to the news feed when it becomes current:  This option creates a post in the news feed to inform students of a new lesson which also functions as a link to the lesson.
  • Include a list of sections at the top of each lesson:  Selecting this option creates an  index of sections at the top of every lesson page to give students an outline of the lesson content.
  • Require lessons to be completed in order:  This is useful if you want students to access lessons sequentially.  They will not be able to view a lesson if they have an accessed the previous one.  If a lesson contains an assessment that is a gateway assignment, students must submit the assessment or pass the grade you require to allow them to move on to the next lesson.  This is best utilized by teachers on web-enhanced mode or teaching ACE subjects.
  • Show all sections on same page to students. This option lessons that number of clicks a student has to make as all the sections of a lesson is displayed in one page. You can the option of unchecking this if you do not want yout students to do a lot of scrolling down because of lengthy learning materials.
  • Support legacy lesson descriptions.  This is a feature that allows you to write introductory descriptions to each lesson.

Assessment: This allows you to select assessment features for your e-class.
  • Grades:  Enabling this feature allows you to grade assessments and use the gradebook as an online class record.
  • Grade map: Displays the grade map to students to show the equivalent grade of their score.
  • Rubrics: This is a key feature that allows you to set criteria for evaluating student work as well as indicate descriptions and weights to the criteria to help students understand how they will be evaluated.

Assessments: This allows you to customize how students view assessments in your e-class:
  • List most recent first:  Displays the latest assessments at the top of the assessments page.  
  • Announce to the news feed when a new assessment is given:  This option creates a post in the news feed to inform students of a new assessment which also functions as a link to the assessment.
  • Send message to students when a new assessment is given: A message notification goes to the Schoolbook inbox of a student and is also forwarded to their email to notify them of a new assessment.
  • Send message to student when their assessment is graded:  A message is sent to inform a student that you have graded his/her submission.
  • Send message to professor each time a student submits an assessment: You will be notified when a student submits an assessment.
  • Send reminder message two days before due date to students with no submission: Automatically reminds students of an assessment deadline.

Assessment Categories: You can add or edit the assessment categories to match what is indicated in your course syllabus. When you add a new assessment, you can simply assign it a category to inform students and also to help when assigning weights to categories.

Weight Using Categories: This automatically groups assessments by category when computing weights for the categories.

Weighting Scheme:  Helps you set the importance or relative weight of an assessment.
  • Weigh equally: Each assessment contributes an equal amount to the final grade.  (Eg. each assessment contributes 10% of the final grade)
  • Weight by max score: Each assessment contributes to the final grade relative to its maximum score.  (Eg. If A, B, C, D have a maximum score of 20, 40,40 and 100, they contribute 10%, 20%, 20%, 50% to the final grade.)
  • Weight by points: Each assessment contributes to the final grade based on points set in addition to its max score. (Eg.  If A, B, C, D are worth 20, 40,40 and 100, they contribute 10%, 20%, 20%, 50% to the final grade.)
  • Weight by percent: Each weighted assessment contributes to a specified percent to the final grade, which is set in addition to its maximum to its max score.  The remaining assessments contribute an equal amount to the remaining percentage. (Eg. If A,B,C, D have weights 10%, 20%, -,-, they contribute 10%, 20%, 35, 35% to the final grade regardless of their max scores).  

Grade Display: Allows you to determine how students will see their grades.
  • Round points
  • Round percentages
  • Hide points from students
  • Hide percentages from students
  • Hide individual grades from students
  • Hide final grade from students
  • Hide percentage that each assessment is worth from students

News Feed: Some options for the news feed.
  • Allow students to post to news feed:  Allowing students to post on feeds may make the class more interactive.  We recommend that you remind them that only assessments given at the assessments page as monitoring news feeds for assessment may be tedious for the teacher.
  • RSS feeds: RSS means Really Simple Syndication.  If you want relevant blog articles to be automatically posted in your class news feed, you can enable this and add or edit feeds that you want to appear in your news page. 

Miscellaneous: Other features that you want to use for your e-class
  • To do list for students: This feature is very useful as it displays in your students' page the tasks they need to accomplish in your e-class.
  • Automatically give assessments: We recommend that you refrain from using this option as it automatically posts assessments to students the moment you save them.  It is better to manually give an assessment to allow you time to review and edit it before releasing to students.
  • Include links to uploaded files for students:  Displays links of uploaded files to students for reference.
  • Allow students to add course groups:  You can allow students to create groups within your e-class.
  • Allow students to edit the resources area:  You can allow students to share resources in the class resources area.  The resources page allows you to share materials that are not required but supplemental to your lessons. 
  • Allow messages and chat between students during course hours: Students can send messages and chat even if you are not online.
  • Show students the proficiencies of each lesson and assessment:  Proficiencies or learning goals you have set for students appear on each lesson or assessment as long as you associate it with a proficiency. This allows them to monitor their progress in the course as well.
  • Allow assessment submissions to be tagged with proficiencies:  This allows you to associate proficiencies for each assessment based on learning goals or course objectives.

Grading Periods: Allows you to set grading periods such as Prelim, Midterm and Finals, set the start date for each term and the weight this contributes to the final grade.  (Eg. Prelim: Nov. 6, 2013, 33%, Midterm: January 4, 2014, 33% and Finals: February 19, 2014, 34%).

Welcome Pop-up:  This is a feature wherein a pop-up box appears every time a student accesses your e-class. You can set what materials to include in your welcome pop-up such as an introductory video, course overview, etc.

Right Boxes: You can place additional material that will appear in boxes on the right side of your e-class page to further customize your e-class.

Prerequisites: This feature can only be used if the students used an e-class for a pre-requisite subject for this course.  This means that students who do not have the necessary e-certificate from a pre-requisite e-class cannot enroll in this e-class.

Completion:  You can manually or automatically award certificates to students in this e-class.